This is the first class of Complex Analysis, hosted by Shengxuan Tang. In this class, we will focus on the following topics:
The sequences of holomorphism
- Pointwise Convergence
- Uniformly Convergence
- Tightly Uniformly Convergence
- Theorems
Power Series
- Radius of Convergence
- Isolated Zero Point
- Removable Singularity
- Polar Point
- Essential Singularity
- Residue
And there are also included: Some examples of new concept and exercises.
Partial content display:
For more information about the 1st Class of Complex Analysis, please refer to the following sources(Chinese version):
Complex Analysis (Begin from page 2 to page 10)
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! Here is my email: nkusherr1 at